Racing Promotion Monthly

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Racing Promotion Monthly









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51st Annual RPM@Reno Western Workshops, will take place November 27, 28 and 29, 2023. For Reno, PLEASE NOTE - We are moving in Reno to the Silver Legacy as part of the "The Row". The rooms at the Silver Legacy were remodeled in 2020, booking details will be released in the June edition of the RPM Newsletter. We will remain at the Shores Resort and Spa in Daytona Beach Shores, Florida for the 51st Annual RPM@Daytona Workshops on February 11, 12 and 13. Booking details for the Shores will also be available in the June Edition of the RPM Newsletter.
51st Annual RPM@Reno Western and RPM@Daytona Venues and Dates Set

Since we've left Daytona we have run a "Save the Date" section in the RPM Newsletters and this will "make it official" that the 51st Annual RPM@Reno Western Workshops in Reno, Nevada will "slide" over to the Silver Legacy as part of "The Row" in downtown Reno, Nevada. The dates will be November 27, 28 and 29, 2023.

The 51st Annual RPM@Daytona will take place at the Shores Resort and Plaza in Daytona Beach Shores, Florida on February 11, 12 and 13.

Booking information and details for both Workhsops will be made available in the June Newsletter.

We have made the move in Reno to the Silver Legacy as the rooms have been remodeled in 2020 and we recognize that we needed a change of venue, however, Reno provides something on the West Coast that other destinations do not and that is affordability. Each year, we review other cities and we do listen to everyone's thoughts, however, Reno still offers the most affordable lodging and best options for us to host the meetings without "breaking the bank" to do so.

We have already confirmed that several of the speakers from a great 50th Annual RPM@Daytona Workshops will be in attendance at the 51st Annual RPM@Reno Western Workshops, including Megan Hazel from World Racing Group, Sean Foster from Waterford Speedbowl, Renee Dupuis from the Monaco Modified Tri Track Series amongst others. It's going to be an exciting "all new" Reno and with a much more aggressive schedule expanding on the education of the past Workshops. Exciting details will be announced in forthcoming editions of the Newsletter.

In Daytona, there were several key factors in place. Availability of space, the ambiance that the hotel setting creates for networking versus a convention center type environment and cost. We are going to make adjustments to the location of the trade show portion of the program dropping "pipe and drape" from the show, to create space for free-standing exhibits and booths. We will also utilize the available space more wisely, creating some specific sessions that will be "first come, first serve" filling the rooms with limited capacities in sessions that are dedicated to specific topics like "building a sales deck": "technical inspection" and more.

If you remember correctly, the Shores provided us with a home for the Workshops when the Plaza suddenly closed on November 1, 2022, so we should support them and be thankful for their hospitality in welcoming us in on such short notice last year.

The 51st Annual RPM Workshops are certain to be exciting and educational experiences.
We recently saw a Social Media post that was a "name" driver asking if a major touring series should be in touch with their driver's more. We are unaware of which Series the driver was referencing, however, thought it was a great topic of discussion.

Communication with the racers is a must, the challenge we have is social media and their communication with one another. It is a situation that many of us do not consider when discussing things openly and for others it has closed the door on open communication with their constituents after being subjected to the negativity can occur from these types of situations.

The real challenge occurs when the conversation goes to social media and gets opened to the court of public opinion giving everyone a voice or so they think.

The participants that choose this route rarely see the damage this does to the business and the sport.

How do we prevent this? It's a challenge and there is never a way to prevent it all, but if you work hard enough, you can prevent most of the major circumstances from escalating to the point of no return. It takes talking to your competitors and building a level of trust and understanding with them.

It certainly helps if you have experienced some of the things they have and understand the competitive side of the sport, however, that isn't a requirement. Listening is. It's Customer Service 101, not listening to the competitor and giving them the false impression that you are on the other end of the line is not the way.

Truly listen what they have to say. You may learn something and you may be able to help yourself get through a situation without controversy, social media and all the negativity that comes with it. Once you have built this type of communication you will ultimately form a bond with some of the competitors that see things the same way that you do and want success for your track or series.

Many of the challenges we face these days is the lack of recognition from the participants standpoint that "a rising tide lifts all boats". All too often these folks are only looking their own "hood ornament" and the same goes for those that chime in when these situations make their way to social media.

With some success, we've seen people address these situations, building their cases and unity from within. There is, however, this belief that no matter what, tracks and series will carry on no matter what. It is not the case in our business and has become somewhat of an epidemic.

Placing trust in the competitors that you speak to, while a risk, can be rewarding when the tide begins to turn in favor of the goals that you are trying to achieve. We have personally experienced it and know that their can be positive results.

The most important part is to open the dialogue and speak to your constituents and begin to build a level of trust through positive communication to eliminate potential pitfalls. You aren't going to catch them all, however the more you are in front of things, the more successful you will be.

Included in this are six (6) social media posts. The original post that posed the question and began the string is in the top left corner, from that point, media members, personalities, crew chiefs and other promoters and fans offered their opinions on the topic. The string, which did have some negative posts within in it, was constructive and positive for the most part, but could have quickly done more harm than good. This is a positive example in the negative world of social media.
Since 2019 we've been participating in the Ride for Roswell. Roswell is a cancer institution in Buffalo that is recognized for its health work and research worldwide. Each year, we have experienced people all around us, family, friends and colleagues that are fighting this terrible disease in some manner. Participating in the ride, which is ranked in the top-five charities rides in North America, is something we choose to support and participate in. Hopefully, in turn our contributions help someone in some way. This year, the International ride has returned and that is our route of choice, 44-miles through downtown Buffalo, across the Peace Bridge into Canada, following the Niagara River, crossing at the Rainbow Bridge returning in the United States and back to the University of Buffalo campus on the morning of Saturday, June 24. We are currently seeking any donation that may help push us past our goal and you can visit my cycling page for details on how to
donate; (

Jessi Mynatt is an individual who owns multiple businesses, is a facilities engineer and manager as well as a promoter at 34 Raceway. Successful in all aspects of her business, she offered some interesting thoughts on the Social Media app, "LinkedIn" recently after hosting a "High Limit" Sprint Car Series event and we thought we would share.
"Often thought of as a redneck or hillbilly sport, racing does so much for our local communities. When we bought 34 Raceway, I remember hearing "I didn't know there was a race track there" or "I thought that closed down." Nope, it's alive and well here in Southeast Iowa. What does this track do for our local community? Heads in beds, tourism spending and new people in the area. You see, we get fans from all over the world. We had fans from not only the Midwest but Florida, California and all states in between for a Tuesday event. We're not Knoxville that doubles in size during the famed Knoxville Nationals, but we contribute greatly to our local economy with folks traveling here for major sporting events. 34 Raceway is now on people's bucket lists to see and experience. The teams and fans ask us the best places to stay, eat and see while they're here. You'll see below millions upon millions of dollars of haulers (and cars) in the pits in the photo below along with NASCAR names like Kyle
Larson, Ricky Stenhouse Jr., Kasey Kahne and Alex Bowman to name a few. That's a huge deal for our area. Your local dirt track, 34 Raceway, is so much more than a fixture along Highway 34. We're proud to contribute to our local economy by hosting these huge events and we are fortunate to be able to continue providing entertainment to people of all walks of life. #supportyourlocaldirttrack ( "

Mynatt hit on a few key points in her post that we think every track and promoter should be using these days. "Heads in beds" and "tourism spending". Race tracks, big or small. Short tracks, road courses, drag strips, go-kart tracks, all attract people to surrounding communities, placing people within the tourism of a track's community.

It is definitely something we all need to look at and reach out to the agencies that provide assistance in bringing events in, helping events become fixtures within communities, etc... "Sports Commissions", "Tourism Bureaus", etc... are all commonplace in most states, regions and communities these days and they are very rarely utilized by promoters to assist with their events. It is definitely something that is worth exploring and examining.

We will delve into this moving forward utilizing our own experience and recognition others who have also had success within their own communities working with these types of organizations.
34 Raceway in Burlington, Iowa is packed for the "High Limit" Sprint Car Series, driving "Heads in Beds" and "Tourism Spending" to the Eastern Iowa community.
15 Tactics to Sell More Event Tickets Today

Ultimately it’s up to you to make your event a success. And that includes driving event ticket sales.

Exactly 40% of salespeople (including marketers selling event tickets) think finding new prospects is the most difficult part of their job. Another 36% of those surveyed said that actually making the sale is even harder. Luckily for you, modern event ticket sales strategies have a lot to teach marketers about how to improve in both of these critical areas.

In this post:

  1. When to start selling tickets online.
  2. How is increase event ticket sales.
  3. How to increase conversions on your event ticket sale website.
  4. Best Online Ticket Sales Tools.

When to start selling tickets online

You should begin event ticket sales ASAP. More independent than ever, today’s consumers have become savvy shoppers, seeking out information about a product or event as soon as it becomes available. In fact, 19% of buyers want to connect with an event brand right when they first learn about it. And once they’ve done their own research, checked in with their network, and reviewed your online presence, in a few short hours they’re ready to make their purchase pretty much immediately.

Which means you have to have your ticketing up and ready to go when you first announce your event. Even if you’re not done planning the rest of it. Because as soon as your prospects get wind of it, more than one third of them will be ready to purchase on the spot or, at the very least, won’t require much time to make their decision and would prefer to buy tickets as soon as they decide to.

So if your event is annual, start selling tickets for next year’s iteration the same day this year’s event ends. Or if it’s the first time this event will take place, make sure your ticketing software is up and running before you send out your very first press release. Your prospects will thank you for it.

An estimated. 1.8 billion people made purchases online last year, with smartphones leading the way as the device most used for digital shopping globally. In fact, the popularity of mobile for making purchases both large and small has been named as one of the most prominent commerce trends you can use to boost your sales this coming year and beyond.

So in addition to having a regular ticketing site, make sure you have an event ticket sales presence on mobile through an app or a mobile-friendly website. A mobile sales platform that makes it super easy for potential attendees to register for your event on their mobile devices. Which is why having the right tech stack in place ahead of time can be really helpful.

But if you’re just getting started, make sure your ticketing software can accurately register sales made through all of your available channels in real time. That way you’ll prevent unnecessary snags (like selling out on mobile but not on desktop) and ultimately keep your brand looking polished the whole way through the sales process.
2. Create scarcity. says scarcity is one of the most important tactics you use to fuel sales. As long as you’re truthful about your claims (like only having 10 VIP tickets left) and use it sparingly, scarcity marketing can boost sales by as much as 226%. The two main categories of scarcity for online ticket sales methods include:

  • Quantity. Whether it’s a limited number of seats, VIP packages, or add-on experiences, keeping availability low will persuade those who are on the fence to buy now instead of waiting. Examples of quantity scarcity for event ticket sales include limited early bird tickets for conferences and first row seating at live shows. To drive this point home with site visitors, add tickers that display how many tickets are left in real time. You can also flip it and show how many tickets have already been purchased if you want to enact a little FOMO (a tactic that is especially effective with roughly 60% of Millennials).

  • Time. If your event ticket website visitors have all the time in the world to make up their minds, they’re less likely to convert. Simply by adding a countdown clock to their product page, one online retail company was able to increase their sales by 9%. Display timers or clearly state the sales end time/date on your website to influence prospects.

  1. Start a referral program.

If your ticket sales are lackluster, it might mean you’re like the majority of salespeople who aren’t getting in front of enough prospects. In fact, 66.7% of respondents said they had only 250 or less leads this past year.

And while there is no hard and fast rule regarding how many leads it takes on average to make a sale, it is a numbers game. Which is one of the many reasons why referral programs are so great for event ticket sales.

92% of individuals surveyed trusted customer referrals if they were given by people they personally know. And people who received these personal referrals were 4 times more likely to buyafter getting the recommendation than if they had organically discovered it elsewhere.

So not only do event ticket sale referral programs get you in front of more prospects, those prospects will also be more likely to convert! You can even give your event speakers or special guests their own referral codes while you’re at it.
4. Use email drip campaigns.

Companies who use email drip campaigns see an increase in sales by 20%, on average. Nurturing leads through a series of automated and well timed messages is a great long term strategy because prospects who have interacted with your brand over a consistent period of time are 47% more likely to make larger purchases.

So if you’re hosting an industry wide conference or a seminar with lots of bells and whistles, using email drip campaigns is a great way to sell out faster and more efficiently. Use contacts like attendees from past events, prospects sourced by your sales department, and industry micro influencers to build your event ticket sales email list.
5. Share on social media seven simple ways

Like us on Facebook! Follow us on Twitter! Check out our Instagram feed! How often have you seen or heard these exclamatory calls to action (CTAs) in the last couple years? Probably enough to the point where you’ve tuned it out. Setting up a Facebook page and blanket sharing your blog updates is a pointless endeavor if you don’t have an audience. Reposting a tweet to your Instagram profile won’t transfer over well (it’s a visual platform you guys!), and frankly, it’s just plain lazy.

The point is that to win at social media, you have to put in the effort to understand each network’s quirks, and implement a well thought-out strategy to succeed.

For marketing an event, leveraging the power of social media can push your ticket sales to the next level. Events are inherently social, so it only makes sense to dedicate resources into the different channels that have sprouted up in recent years. So here are our best social media tactics to use for marketing your event.

Just like you want to capitalize on cross-promotional opportunities with your sponsors, you must also attempt to access the connections of your speakers or event entertainment or talent. While they are likely to post about your upcoming event on their own, make it easier for them.

You can do this by designing personalized event imagery that they can post to social media. Since you have already created your own event imagery, you may be able to edit it in a manner that features your speaker or entertainer. They will be flattered by the gesture and will be sure to post it to their social sites”automatically increasing awareness of your upcoming event.

You can also create PPC ads on social media to generate new eyes on your social posts about your event.

Posting PPC ads on social is not only cost-effective but also allows you to employ targeted and retargeting methods. This will be far more effective in driving ticket sales. Because the key to success with PPC is to create an enticing headline that makes potential ticket buyers want to learn more. And if they click on your ad and aren’t interested, they still might like, share, or comment on it.

  1. Re-share attendees’ photos on Instagram

Every interaction attendees have with your event’s brand is a golden opportunity.

Re-sharing photos is a great way to capitalize on this. Instagram doesn’t have as much built-in sharing capabilities as other social networks. What it does offer is photo mentioning. Instagrammers can mention their friends in a photo’s comments by typing in their username. The friend will get a notification letting them know of the mention.

By re-sharing attendee photos in your feed, you can unlock some brand exposure through mentioning. People get pumped when a brand mentions them directly. They’ll want to tell their friends about it, and what easier way than by mentioning them in the comments?
2. Create and run contests

A nice segue from tip #1 is holding contests to promote sharing across your social media channels like Instagram.

For this to work, you must make it insanely easy to complete the steps to enter the contest. Also, ensure that your giveaway is relevant to your audience.

Pro-tip: Free tickets are a great giveaway. You can make the assumption that anyone who enters the contest is interested in attending your event.
3. Incentivize social sharing through promos

Next up on the list, you want to create a strategy to get your event-related posts out there. Aside from paid sponsored posts, you must identify a few local, industry, or niche influencers, whom you can incentivize to share your posts on their social platforms.

You must be strategic about whom you pick, by selecting influencers with a strong audience base in one of your key demographics. Keep in mind, this could even be one of your secondary audience bases because your influencers don’t have to be famous. But, they do need to be a YouTube or social media star of whom every post they make is shared, liked, and commented on.

You can also incentivize your organic attendees to generate even more natural buzz. It is in their best interest to get their friends to buy tickets to your event – events are always more fun when you know someone that’s going.

To encourage social sharing, offer small discounts on ticket prices when attendees share to their networks. You can arm them with a promo code to accomplish this.
4. Spend a little budget to increase engagement on Twitter

If you don’t have a massive following on Twitter, utilizing their advertising tools can jumpstart your efforts.

Twitter’s advertising platform offers event marketers many options to choose from. For increasing engagement, I suggest utilizing their Tweet Engagements campaign. This campaign makes it super easy for your target audience to share, retweet, and favorite your ad creatives.
5. Leverage your Talent's audience

This is an easy one. Get in touch with your talent pre-event and get them to promoter the event through their own social channels. If someone is doing speaking engagements, they likely have a large network to cross-promote into.

You can also tag the speaker in your own social media posts to encourage them to reshare. Additionally, giving them referral codes to use when promoting will allow you to track the ticket sales they’re generating for you.

A few cross-promotional ideas for events include:

  • Writing or posting a guest article or blog on each other’s sites.
  • Posting about each other or social media.
  • Creating cross-promotional signage at the venue.
  • Creating cross-sale promotions.
  • Highlighting one another in our upcoming email newsletter.
  • Sending out a cross-promotional and/or event announcement to both of your email lists.
  1. Share event content in Linkedin Groups

This only works for certain niche events, but worth exploring nonetheless. Let’s say you’re running a marketing conference geared towards lead generation…

…browsing through Linkedin Groups, you’ll find marketing groups with some specific to lead generation. Depending on how large your conference is, these members could fit into your target audience. LinkedIn can be a highly effective platform to promote niche events.

Join the groups, contribute quality content, and post about your event when the timing is right.
7. Consider sharing event details on your city’s subreddit

A misconception with marketing on Reddit is that the community eviscerates anything you submit. WRONG! The smart event marketer can traverse the Reddit waters by actually contributing meaningful content for a relevant subreddit.

A subreddit is a sub-community focused on a specific topic. If you live in a large enough city, there’s a good chance it’ll have a dedicated subreddit. Many of these have event calendars or weekly posts of stuff to do. Take advantage of this by contacting the subreddit’s moderator to see if your event can get added. You can also submit a link about your event to a subreddit.

Make sure your submission is relevant and isn't a blatant sales pitch.

Increase ticket sales with diagrams and maps of the event.
How to increase conversions on your event ticket sale website

  1. Feature video content.

You only have about 8 seconds to grab someone’s attention. Which is why interactive features, like videos, are so effective when added to an event ticket landing page. The Kelsey Group’s research also shows that 21% of landing page visitors who have the option to view a 60 second video were practically guaranteed to make a purchase. Whether it’s a highlights reel from last year, interviews from brand reps, or a detailed explanation of ticketing packages, featuring video content on your landing page could increase sales anywhere from 20% to 86%.
2. Showcase great talent and speakers.

One of the best ways to increase attendance at your event is to schedule fantastic industry talent and speakers. Then create content about your talent or speakers to help boost ticket sales. It works because showcasing great talent is a way to add credibility to your event brand.

In fact, your event talent is one of the biggest marketing trust factors a B2B audience will look for when considering whether or not to attend your event. So it pays to show them off! A real world example of this phenomenon comes to us from a marketing brand who used a series of talking head videos featuring related subject matter experts on their campaigns. The results include:

  • 42% of all website users watched their 7-9 minute videos completely through.
  • A 200% increase in sales conversions.
  • A library of content that they were able to use across all their social media channels afterwards.

The results speak for themselves. If you have awesome speakers, go ahead and use them to promote your event and boost online ticket sales.
3. Share testimonials from last year’s event.

It turns out that 90% of people believe that reading positive testomonials online will influence their buying decision. This stat includes third party review sites as well. So you can imagine the impact it would have on your event ticket sales landing page, of which you have complete creative control! Even big brands like ChowNow have found that adding customer testomonials to their landing pages have increased sales by 20-25%, so there’s no reason why it wouldn’t boost your event ticket sales as well.
5 Best Online Ticket Sales Tools

In the U.S. these past five years, online ticket sales have steadily increased by 8.3% with the help of better sales strategies and more advanced software.

To sell tickets online, you’ll need a great website, a ticketing platform (if your website doesn’t include one), and other digital sales related programs.
Now you’re ready to drive online ticket sales for events!

There are lots of ways to attract and convert prospective attendees. Armed with these tips and tricks, you’re ready to increase ticketing website conversions, boost event discoverability, and influence your way to full capacity. Here are the key ideas to keep in mind:

  • Take advantage of many powerful online ticket sales tools available today.
  • Increase ticket sales through consumer trends, limit ticket quantity or purchase time frame, and make use of referrals.
  • Boost ticket sales conversions through videos, featured speakers, and testimonials.

Just remember that your ticket sales tools and strategies should always be regularly monitored and reevaluated to find the perfect, most effective mix of tactics for your audience.
Looking for some quick answers about how to sell event tickets? How can I sell event tickets quickly?

Use the best tech to make the process as easy as possible. Create urgency with early-bird pricing, limited time deals, and marketing copy. Give deals to large groups. Invest in marketing your event to get the word out.
How do you price event tickets?

Do research on pricing for similar events in your area. Do some math to figure out how many attendees you’d need at a few different price points in order to cover costs or turn a profit, and use that information to guide your pricing.

Selling tickets for event is what we all do. We all want big crowds and packed grandstands. It just takes work and time and attention to detail along with an entertaining event to make it happen.
The Performance Racing Industry Trade Show -
December 7 - 9, 2023 - Indianapolis, Indiana
Pay Attention! - The photo above is from our own experience. It is the result of countless hours on the phone and several discussions with the Power supplier for Spencer Speedway near Rochester, NY, which we lease. The power is left on - one meter only - during the Winter to prevent office damage - the heat is set at 40 degrees in an effort to maintain a small budget. After receiving a bill for over $1,100 for this meter in December, we questioned the accuracy. As the situation progressed there were several other bills issued escalating the bill to over $3,700. After demanding the meter be read, we finally received this adjusted bill. It went back through our use during the Summer and reflected a balance that will allow us to get through most of the season. With this discovery, we will be auditing the other meters when they are turned on. Be on the lookout for these type of things. Sometimes we become some programmed to a routine that we miss the obvious. AN ADDED NOTE: We kept this in the
Newsletter because shortly after this, we received two more "FINAL NOTICES" on separate Meters that were both estimated. We returned a note with a dispute and the notices were turned over to collection, after we had remitted a small payment, stating we were disputing RG&E and their billing. We have yet to receive further correspondence. It is a situation that we will continue to monitor and stress to you that you should as well.
Dick Murphy was a passionate man about short track racing and his "pride and joy" Volusia Speedway Park. Murphy spearheaded the track into prominence in the national spotlight before World Racing Group purchased the facility from him.

Dick Murphy and Volusia Speedway Park...

On May 11, 2023 Dick Murphy passed away. Murphy's name is synonymous with Volusia Speedway Park. In addition to being a former owner of Volusia and other tracks, Murphy was renowned as a legendary car owner. His accomplishments included winning the World 100 at Eldora Speedway and an NDRA championship. Murphy continued to field a Late Model in weekly racing at Volusia, leaving an indelible mark on the sport. His contributions were recognized with inductions into various motorsports Hall of Fames, solidifying his place in racing history.

Murphy forged numerous connections throughout his illustrious career and created unforgettable memories for those fortunate enough to cross paths with him. Murphy's significant role in grassroots racing in Florida, whether as an owner or operator of Volusia Speedway Park in its various forms has been emphasized by many top level executives in the sport. Whether in NASCAR or dirt racing, Murphy’s impact was profound, especially as a car owner. His absence will be felt within the racing community. The racing world is grateful for the enduring contributions made by Murphy and his family, and his presence will be sorely missed.

Having purchased Volusia Speedway Park in 1982, Murphy’s passion for the racetrack was evident as he transformed it from a dirt track into an asphalt track after seven years. The change brought national recognition as the track hosted NASCAR-sanctioned races, attracting notable winners like Kenny Wallace and Steve Grissom. Although Murphy sold the track in 1992, his love for it persisted, leading him to repurchase it just five years later and convert it back into a dirt track. This decision restored its reputation in the dirt racing world, further showcasing Murphy’s unwavering dedication.

Bobby Kay, a childhood friend and longtime collaborator of Murphy’s, described his profound obsession with the racetrack. Murphy’s relentless work ethic and constant pursuit of improvement were evident throughout his tenure as an owner. He was a visionary who consistently sought to enhance the racing experience for all involved.

Despite facing health challenges, including three strokes, Murphy continued to inspire and mentor others during his ownership of Volusia. DIRTcar Director Sam Driggers, who spent several years working at the track, regarded Murphy as a remarkable individual with the right priorities. Murphy’s kindness and unwavering support left a lasting impression on Driggers, who considered him not just a mentor but family.

Dick Murphy's Volusia County Speedway has seen it all, asphalt, dirt, the smaller oval hosting asphalt races, go-karts, motorcycles, it's been home to many different motorsports vehicles over the years. The "old" NASCAR Busch Series visited Volusia and popular NASCAR veteran Tommy Houston scored a victory. The tier parking overlooking the track has always been popular along with dirt Late Models being a stapled tradition of the track.
Setup an Account and...

All of the folks that were in attendance at the 49th Annual RPM@Daytona Workshops will receive access to the archived "stream" of the Workshops. We know we are behind in this aspect, however, if you set up an account and send us an e-mail, we will be able to grant you access to the Workshops video that was streamed in Daytona.

The LIVE streaming of the Workshops will continue. These videos and additional promoter focused RPM content will be available for a reasonable subscription, making it easy for promoters who cannot attend RPM to still get access to the informative lineup of speakers and topics the event always delivers.

Bright Future in the Sport for young promoter Talin Turner...

An interesting article recently appeared in Speed Sport in regard to a promoter from Basehor, Kansas by the name of Talin Turner. Turner is just 16 and he's already putting himself on the map with promotions. Turner, who has already been involved in different forms of officiating the sport, resurrected the Outlaw Nationals for non-winged 600 type sprint cars at Port City Raceway in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Turner seems to be a natural at promoting as he has brough in sponsors and partners to the event. The 2023 version took place in March. We will keep an eye on Turner and his T2 Promotions group as he develops his promotional skills.

Port City Raceway near Tulsa, Oklahoma plays host to the "Outlaw Nationals" a major event for non-winged and winged 600-type Sprint Cars. The event logo with sponsorship and Turner all smiles with an adult counterpart at Port City..
Take Note...

Please take note of our locations for the 51st Annual RPM Workshops, whether it be the Silver Legacy in Reno or the Shores in Daytona and plan to patronize and stay there. Your help in attending and supporting the locations of the Workshops help us grow the activities and sessions. The dates once again Tuesday, November 28,;Wednesday, November 29 and Thursday, November 30 for Reno, while Daytona is Sunday, February 11; Monday, February 12 and Tuesday, February 13, 2024. We look forward to seeing all of you there.

Greenville-Pickens Speedway Status...

The legendary Greenville-Pickens Speedway remains in limbo. Jackie Manly continues to try desperately to raise the funds necessary to keep the speedway open, however, his deadlines have come and gone. Property, track owner and former promoter, Kevin Whitaker agreed to lease the facility to Manly however, he has not acquired the necessary funds at this point. Manly told a local reporter, "we are still working on it..." as he continues to try to raise funds to keep his home track open.

Racing Season in Full Swing...

We've reached the heavy flow of the season for all of us in this business. As many of us have had busy Springs, it's officially open season everywhere. May all of us have jammed parked lots, full grandstands, overflowing pit areas and many great events.

One thing we have noticed early on this season is that respect for equipment seems down as people continue to wreck racecars senselessly week in and week out. There seems to be a loss of respect and integrity in the competitors. That can be chalked up to society changing. It's like an epidemic, however we will persevere.

It's something we can all continue to work on and build just by trying to be better. There is no magic formula other than practicing common courtesy, letting your competitors know the boundaries and standing by them. There are enough participation sports in the world, motorsports, in any format has never been one.

Photos Top-to-Bottom; Greenville-Pickens is currently sitting idle. The Shores and the Silver Legacy, make sure if you attend the 51st Annual RPM Workshops, this is where you are staying.
Recently TNT Speedway located in Northern Wisconsin Listed

"It is with great sadness that we share this link and announce the track is for sale or lease. Current circumstances, prior commitments and work loads do not allow us to dedicate the time and effort into bringing our dreams for TNT Speedway to fruition," this was posted and taken from the tracks Facebook page.

The track was previously sold in 2021 via auction. Zabel-Ackerman in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin is handling the listing. Various record may be found on the facility.
TNT Speedway in Three Lakes, Wisconsin on race night.
Historic Friendship Motor Speedway is now available for sale

This 40.84+/- Acre property features a 3/8 Mile Oval Dirt over Asphalt Track, Multiple Concession Stands, 9 Vender Booths, Restroom Facilities that have all been recently updated in 2021. In addition to recent updates, the owners have installed new Whelen Track Safety Lights, New Scoreboard, New Westhold Timing & Scoring Loop System, Updated Concession Stand Equipment, New 8'X12' Platform Scales. The grandstand has seating for 4000 people, 97 Trackside Tailgating Spots. Additional fill dirt is being delivered, compacted and seeded by January 1, 2023.

More information can be found here;
Stateline Speedway in Busti, NY for Sale

77 acre property, with a ranch home, in addition to the stock car track is a gokart track. The facility, in the Southern Tier of New York is very near the Pennsylvania border, with pride and upkeep being a focus on the facility, this track is ready for the right owners.

More information can be found here; 4150 Kortwright Rd, Jamestown, NY 14701 | MLS #R1453778 | Zillow ( -
Greenville-Pickens Speedway in South Carolina is listed for Sale

The historic Greenville-Pickens Speedway in Easley, just west of Greenville, was recently listed on a real estate website.

According to the listing from RealtyLink, a real estate development company, ground lease or “built to suit” opportunities are available for the 305-acre property at 3800 Calhoun Memorial Highway.

Starting as a dirt track in 1940, the Greenville-Pickens Speedway hosted the first-ever, start-to-finish live-televised NASCAR race in 1971 after being paved in 1970.

The race track also holds events like the Upstate Holiday Lights Show and the Upper SC State fair.

More information can be found here; Properties - Realty Link ( ( (

Top and bottom; The Month of May always means "Back Home in Indiana", the Speedway and the Indianapolis 500. A thrilling event with over 300,000 people saw a bit of everything on Sunday, May 27, 2023 in the 107th running of the greatest spectacle in racing. A scary incident in the late stages of the race saw a wheel and tire assembly catapulting into what at first on the telecast looked like the grandstands, luckily it missed and landed on this vehicle. The Speedway handled it appropriately, however, it was another "it can happen anywhere" moment. A throwback photo to one of Smokey Yunick's creations running around "The Brickyard". After the checkered flag, race winner, Josef Newgarden entered the grandstand in purely emotional scene. It was one of the great moments in the this sport and something we should all take note of. He celebrated immediately with "the people", giving them a thrill of a lifetime in addition to an already exciting event. Something we should all let happen. Without
them, our sport would not be what it is today.

Lake Erie Speedway packs them for their "Crash-A-Rama" events each year. The "Crash-A-Rama" events provide a diverse demographic and certainly a different group from traditional racing fans. We spoke in "Get in the Know" in regard to lack of respect and this photo is the perfect demonstration of that. The left front tire is in a very precarious position and while things worked out in a health fashion, tempers flared unnecessarily after this incident and things carried on late in the pit area. The editing team at RPM has a sense of humor as well and couldn't help but post the photo of this car and wonder how and why this decal was placed on the door of this Super Stock. We filed it under the category of "Things that make you go, Hmmm..."

Brett Deyo, who spoke at the 50th Annual RPM@Daytona Workshops, continues to tackle different challenges. On Sunday, May 28, Deyo put together a Sportsman Seires race at the Madison County (N.Y) Fairgrounds Brookfield Speedway, which was a "rebirth" of the Speedway event. Deyo's skilled presentation brought in quite a crowd for a card that featured affordable racing divisions and in the end it was another successful show his Short Track Super Series program and those who are involved in it. The old Fairgrounds with its covered grandstands provided a rustic backdrop and a look back in time for the event. The Madison County Fairgrounds which houses the Brookfield Speedway is located in South Central New York in a rural community, south of Utica, N.Y.

A sincere RPM "Thank You" goes out to the following group of exhibiting companies who helped make the 50th Annual RPM Workshops at the Shores Resort & Spa in Daytona Beach Shores a truly special edition of our annual East Coast gathering;

Hoosier Racing Tire (Lakeville, Indiana);
K&K Insurance (Fort Wayne, Indiana);`
Chevrolet Performance Parts (Grande Blanc, Michigan);
TicketSpice (Sacremento, California);```
MyRacePass (Lincoln, Nebraska);
Firethorn Marketing (Goodyear, Arizona);
Speed Sport / Speed Sport TV / Turn 3 Media (Mooresville, North Carolina);
IMCA Racing (Boone, Iowa)
NASCAR (Daytona Beach, Florida);
Race Track Wholesale (Independence, Missouri);
Pit Pay (Charlotte, North Carolina);
Simes Graphic Design (Mandan, N.D.);
RACEceiver (Gainesville, Georgia);
MyLaps Timing & Scoring (AMB) (Atlanta, Georgia);
Sports Insurance Specialties (Fort Wayne, Indiana);
Jones Birdsong (Chanhassen, Minnesota);
Vortex Insurance Agency (Overland Park, Kansas);
WISSOTA (St. Cloud, Minnesota);
VP Racing Fuels (San Antonio, Texas);
Sunoco Racing Fuels (Marcus Hook, Pa.);
American Racer Tire (Indiana, Pennsylvania);
Event Sprout (Deerfield, Illinois);
Westhold (Santa Clara, California);
Mercury Marine / Quiksilver (Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin);
Performance Racing Industry (PRI) (Long Beach, California);
United States Motorsports Association (USMA) (Mooresville, North Carolina);
Speedway Illustrated (Epping, New Hampshire);
RaceCals (Auburn, Washingotn);
Spectrum Weather Insurance (Liberty, Missouri);
Fuel Factory (Murrysville, Pennsylvania);
Digital Throttle (Incline Village, Nevada);
Vietti Marketing Group (Springfield, Missouri);
FloSports / FloRacing (Austin, Texas);
T3 Tire Tracking Application (Middleville, Michigan);
Racing with Jesus Ministries (Tolland, Connecticut);

RPM provides a unique up close & personal opportunity to meet with representatives of the business. The folks with these companies took the time to recognize how important you are by being in attendance at RPM to create networking, meetings and one-on-one discussion, all in the business when it comes to RPM and the Annual RPM@Reno Western & RPM@Daytona Workshops.
In this edition's legal section we will look at something that challenges many of us, payroll and the trends that go with it. The trends are based on that of one of the top and most popular payroll companies in the nation.

Payroll Industry Trends for 2023

  • Payroll
  • Article
  • 5 min. Read

Table of Contents

1.) Increased Pay
2.) Faster Payroll Processing
3.) On-Demand Pay
4.) Creative Compensation Plans
5.) The Gig Economy
6.) Pay Transparency
7.) Higher Levels of Payroll Accuracy
8.) Innovative Payroll Technology

Between changes in business processes stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic, the influence of the Great Resignation, and the sharp rise in costs of living, the relationship between employee and employer has evolved. Payroll industry trends are influencing how employees and employers engage with one another. In addition to being compensated with fair and livable wages, employees want employers who demonstrate they care about their workers and are looking out for their best interests. Human Resources Technology and innovative payroll solutions, when paired with the right employer mindset, can help companies continue to adapt.
Payroll has expanded beyond simply providing compensation for services. It has become a dynamic tool for companies to support remote work environments, accommodate various and increasing compensation agreements, and meet employees' requests for faster access to funds and pay-related information. As the end of the yearwraps up and 2023 begins, it's an excellent time for employers and HR to familiarize themselves with payroll trends so they can be prepared for any potential changes. These payroll industry trends include:

  1. Increased Pay

The September 2022 Employment Costst ( Index released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that compensation costs for private workers increased by 5.2% since Sept. 2021. This is on top of a 4.1% increase the prior year. The future of payroll is clear: costs of living have escalated, and many employees may be seeking pay raises to meet their monetary obligations. The Great Resignation has shown that if workers don't receive fair compensation and a supportive work environment, they won't hesitate to leave their employers.
For employers, meeting increased pay demands along with higher costs of business operations and the possibility of lower profits can make their businesses more vulnerable. It's imperative for employers to keep a careful watch on their financial metrics and have a plan in place to help avoid challenges meeting payroll obligations. Some payroll providers may provide payroll protection that extends the collection of payroll funds from your bank account.

  1. Faster Payroll Processing

What began as a payroll trend in 2021 has continued to gain traction. The increased speed of payroll technology has enabled companies to process payroll faster. Consider taking advantage of same-day pay for hourly employees and the availability of shorter payroll cycles. Quicker processing capabilities also provide management with timely reporting. With faster access to current data, HR and executive management can work together to spot trends or payroll errors at an earlier stage and respond as needed.

  1. On-Demand Pay

The pandemic pushed many workers into financial distress as hours were reduced, businesses shut down, and healthcare costs escalated. By working with a third-party service, employers were able to give employees the option to access wages as they were earned, prior to payday. The service typically comes with a small fee, paid for by the employee.
Today, on-demand pay remains popular. As inflation increases the financial pressures on employees, giving them their earned wages faster can help reduce the risk of hefty late fees associated with mortgage, rent, and credit card bills. This option empowers them to manage cash flow challenges better, which in turn can improve their financial management, reduce stress, and potentially increase productivity and engagement at work. Providing on-demand payroll is one way you can demonstrate that you are doing everything you can to help your employees safeguard their financial wellness.

  1. Creative Compensation Plans

Although employers may need to increase compensation to remain competitive, not all options need to come in the form of a higher paycheck. Creative compensation plans can help you invest in benefits that put more money in employees' pockets. One of the top employee benefits trends for 2023 is reducing healthcare expenses and providing employee health benefit accounts which can help you accomplish this. Similarly, a dependent care flexible spending account (DCFSA) can help ease the burden of daycare costs for children and dependent adults. Other benefits — public transportation passes, healthy lifestyle coaching, employee assistance programs, or health insurance plans that offer financial incentives for healthy behaviors — are all creative ways to increase the total compensation your employees receive from your business.

  1. The Gig Economy

Gig workers and the freelance economy has been steadily growing for years and a 2020 study reveals that the pandemic has only accelerated its momentum. While traditional employees are typically paid weekly or bi-weekly, freelance or gig workers may have to wait weeks or months before being compensated. Employers who delay paying freelance or gig workers risk losing these skilled and talented individuals to competitors. Outsourcing payroll or using the most current payroll technology can help you ensure you are taking care of your contract-based, freelance, and gig workers with the prompt payments they depend upon and deserve.

  1. Pay Transparency

When a business is open about compensation and pay-related information, it can increase HR’s confidence regarding financial decision-making. Pay transparency can also help your business look more appealing to current employees and potential new hires because they won't have to second guess their compensation package. A worker’s clear understanding of what their compensation will be and why, along with what steps can be taken to increase pay over time may help remove pay inequity and the perception of bias.
If there is any question that increased pay transparency is a trend, just look at state and local laws. Colorado adopted a salary transparency law in 2019. Since then, California, Nevada, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Washington, and New York followed suit along with the cities Cincinnati and Toledo, Ohio and New York City.

  1. Higher Levels of Payroll Accuracy

Payroll accuracy is vital. Rather than processing batches of checks and finding errors on the back end, which takes time to correct, building in more front-end reviews can help ensure that payroll is accurate before it goes out the door. Expanding on the idea of transparency, allowing employees to review their pay information prior to the release of funds is another way to proactively confirm accuracy. Using a pre-check, employees can be involved in the payroll review process and confirm that their earnings and withholdings are accurate prior to payday. Having regular access to this information can also help them make necessary adjustments in withholdings or contributions to pre-tax accounts so they can take full advantage of their benefits package.

  1. Innovative Payroll Technology

A reliable partnership with any trusted payroll provider can help you take full advantage of the latest trends in payroll management. Whether you're limiting services to a basic payroll run from a third party or choosing to outsource your full HR strategy, a strong partnership early in the process can make payroll management easier and more cost-effective down the road. Taking advantage of forward-thinking technologies and payroll delivery systems can play a pivotal role in your business strategy. Fundamentals around pay — recruiting and providing pay transparency, offering a creative compensation package, or giving employees the ability to get paid faster — go a long way in establishing a trusted and loyal employer-employee relationship.

The past few years have demonstrated that major unexpected events can and do arise. Preparation and flexibility are key to addressing dramatic shifts in the economy and the workforce. Regardless of the turmoil outside of a business's control, payroll obligations and recordkeeping remain constant. Pay attention to your payroll, small or large and keep up with the latest industry solutions to work for you and your employees.

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166 CRYSTAL CIRCLE, MOORESVILLE, NC 28117 704-325-8003 E-MAIL: ** (
Formed in 2015 by a coalition of industry businesses who recognized the need for greater organization, data and state/local advocacy for racing. Working every day all day as America’s Grassroots Racing Advocate.


414 MAIN ST., MANDAN, ND 58554 888-457-4637 Simes Graphic is full-service art studio that services short track racing. They design and print all types of brochures, posters, promotional materials.

1906 CLINTON ST, BUFFALO, NY, 14206 Your one stop source for printing, graphics, design & promotional materials for the racing industry.



13712 WOODLAND RANCH DRIVE, LONE JACK, MO 64086, 816-718-2231 FAX: 866-365-2231 Wholesale distributor of racing souvenirs, imprinted promotional items, apparel, and track supplies. Serving short track racing since 2008.


509 CLARENCE STREET, TOMBALL, TX 77375, 281-440-0044 P
rofessional audio production. Professional TV, Social & Radio commercials. Great creative, fast service, reasonable prices. Radio spots, TV ads,


6200 GRAND POINTE DR., GRAND BLANC, MI 48349 810-606-3655 Circle track crate engines. Engine, chassis and other racing/high-performance accessories available at your local GM dealer. For information, contact Bill Martens.


24215 SE GREEN VALLEY RD, AUBURN, WA 98092 1-888-928-8322 E-MAIL: ** (
Printing quality decals for the Motorsports industry, coast-to-coast and every genre of motorsports you’ll RaceCals work. Die Cutting; Digital Printing; Banners and Designing are all things you can count on RaceCals for.


1712 MAGNAVOX WAY, PO BOX 2338, FT. WAYNE, IN 46801-2338 800-348-1839

#101-5800 EXPLORER DRIVE, MISSISSAUGA, ON, L4W 5K9, 800-753-2632 The industry’s largest provider of racing insurance. More than 60 years of underwriting and risk management experience. Motorsport’s most experienced in-house claims staff. International service capability.

125 W. LAKE, STE 200, WAYZATA, MN 55391, 952-467-6111 Jones Birdsong Motorsports offers the widest range of products designed to protect motorsports associations, facilities, teams, and special events.

1365 WAMPANOAG TRAIL, EAST PROVIDENCE, RI 02915, 401-433-4000 Motorsports insurance programs for race tracks, teams, sanctioning groups, and drivers since 1947. Programs available in all 50 states.

14033 ILLINOIS ROAD, SUITE A, FORT WAYNE, IN 46814, 855-969-0305 Sports Insurance Specialists offers a complete motorsports portfolio of participant and spectator insurance. A proven industry leader. “Let’s kick some rIsk.”


302 N. SHERIDAN ST., CORONA, CA 92880,800-342-2512 Nationally known manufacturer and marketer of lubricants and additives for fleets and automobiles, owner Lucas Oil (MO) Speedway, sponsor of drag racing, pulling, motocross, off-road racing, ASCS, MLRA Series, the Lucas Oil Late Model Dirt Series.

W 6250 PIONEER RD., FOND DU LAC, WISC. 54936, 920-924-0833 One of the most recognized names in the production of marine engines, equipment, oils and lubricants has adapted their lubricants for successful solutions in multiple applications including motorsports.

PO BOX 1226, LINWOOD, PA 19061 800-722-3427 The largest refiner of racing gasoline. National distribution of quality brands. SUNOCO, Turbo Blue, and Trick.

204 EAST RHAPSODY DR., SAN ANTONIO, TX 78216, 210-635-7744 VP Racing Fuels is known as the world leader in racing fuel technology and the official fuel of 60 plus series.

4431 WILLIAM PENN HWY., SUITE 6, MURRYSVILLE, PA 15668 1-412-404-3329 E-MAIL: info@fuelfactoryusa Performance-driven, built for racers by racers. Focused on race fuel, plain and simple A desire to go fast and win, with the same goal for you. Fuel Factory, building a culture, built for speed.


774 MAYS BLVD #10-45, INCLINE VILLAGE, NV 89451 800-314-4702 E-MAIL: INFO@DIGITALTHROTTLE.COM Founded in 2009, we specialize in managing digital advertising for clients in automotive, powersports & motorsports markets. Working across all platforms: Social, Video, Display, Search & eCommerce. Our "real-world" industry experience and online advertising expertise utilize the latest technologies to measure ad performance and adjust every ad campaign to maximize results.

2914 E. BATTLEFIED ST., SPRINGFIELD, MO 65804 417-553-9105 Navigating each client with the precision and skill derived from 40 years of full-service experience. Taking the specifics of your identity as an idea or program and route your campaign in the most-effective manner possible driving results you can see.


142 F SOUTH CARDIGAN WAY, MOORESVILLE, N.C. 28117 704-790-0136 Media provider, formerly National Speed Sport Newss owned by Chris Economaki, Speed Sport has become a multifaceted media company offering publicity platforms for all forms of motorsports in addition to providing a full streaming service led by Chris Graner and Rivet.

27081 ALISO CREEK RD., STE 150 ALISO VIEJO, CA. 92656 949-499-5413 Since it's inception in 1986, Performance Racing Industry (PRI) has served the motorsports as key source for trends, merchandising, new products, business strategies and more. PRI is also the developer of the world's premier auto racing trade show, held each December in Indianapolis, Indiana.

979 SPRINGDALE RD., STE 120 AUSTIN, TX 78702 512-355-7936 A venture-backed subscription video streaming service dedicated to sports, offering live and on-demand access to hundreds of thousands of competition events across 25+ vertical sports categories in the US and abroad, including a diverse menu in all forms of racing as part of

PO BOX 741, EPPING, NH 03042 877-972-2362
Speedway Illustrated is a print magazine devoted to oval-track racing in America. Produced for over 20 years by the most accomplished, award-winning, and longstanding team of journalists in motorsports, you can enjoy the best coverage and do-it-yourself race-winning tech to race safer, be faster, and spend wiser.


1906 CLINTON STREET, BUFFALO, NY 14206 716-821-1880 Your one stop source for printing, graphics, design and promotional materials for the all of your print house needs.


65465 STATE ROUTE 931, LAKEVILLE, IN 46536 574-784-3152 Complete line of custom-manufactured spec racing tires for oval tracks, drag racing and road racing. The only company exclusively manufacturing racing tires.

1545 WASHINGTON ST., INDIANA, PA 15701,800-662-2168 Race tires forged in the highlands of Western Pennsylvania for racing around the world.

2180 N PAYNE RD LAKE RD, MIDDLEVILLE, MI 49333, 269-348-1347 E-Mail: ** (
The “Mobile Application” that is changing the tire tracking and inspection game. Easy to use mobile tire scanning application for us at the trackside tire inventory tracking.


872 MAIN ST. SW, UNIT D2, GAINESVILLE, GA 30501, 866-301-7223 Raceceiver one-way radios and race communications.

12 NOB RD., PLAINVILLE, CT 86062, 860-573-8821 Racing Electronics Authorized Dealer with a focus on successful communication plan for competitors, officials, track and series applications.


PO BOX 586, TOLLAND, CT 06084, 860-202-3598 Established in 1980, is known as the Racer’s Church. Ministering to the racing community through established sanctioning bodies, regional touring series and local tracks, seeking to provide opportunities for those we reach to fulfill the Great Commission in their lives.


1800 WEST D STREET, VINTON, IA 52349 319-472-2201 The nation’s oldest, largest, and leading sanctioning body. We focus on affordable divisions to assist the profitability of our sanctioned facilities and events.

ONE DAYTONA BLVD., DAYTONA BEACH, FL 32114, 386-310-6272 The NASCAR Home Tracks Program offers sanctioning opportunities for weekly racing and touring series events across North America and Europe.

24707 CTY. RD. 75, ST. AUGUSTA, MN 56301 320-251-1360 A member-driven sanction in the Upper Midwest featuring eight divisions of race cars: Late Models, Modifieds, Super Stocks, Midwest Modifieds, Street Stocks, Mod Fours, Pure Stocks and Hornets. As a member of WISSOTA, you vote on policies and rules and help guide YOUR organization. Click on Promoter Center at ** (


Rana Ventures, LLC 2549 WAUKEGAN ROAD #782 DEERFIELD, ILL 60015 713-320-0809 specializes in electronic ticketing of events. Easy setup along with the sale of automated ticketing machines.

PIT PAY APP, 7168 WEDDINGTON RD., SUITE 148, CONCORD, N.C. 28027 Pit Pay™? is the only Mobile Pit Pass app for the motorsports industry. Pit Pay, is committed to providing you with a simple, hassle-free experience in the app and at the track.

9142 D STREET, SACRAMENTO, CA 95814 888-798-9569 TicketSpice brings a specialized ticketing experience to the promoter and the customers to provide effortless online event management and ticket sales, marketing and ticketing that helps event organizers increase their bottomline.


2030 POWERS FERRY RD SE, STE.110, ATLANTA, GA 30339 678-816-4000 MyLaps offers the best in class sports timing systems to measure, publish, and analyze race and participant results for all sports and specifically auto racing.

872 MAIN ST. SW, UNIT D2, GAINESVILLE, GA 30501 866-301-7223 Raceceiver race communications. Raceceiver race management timing and scoring system.

5355 E. 38TH AVE., DENVER, CO 80207 408-533-0050 Westhold is a leading seller and manufacturer of race timing and scoring systems, scoreboards, message centers, video displays, and software.


PO BOX 484, LIBERTY, MO 64069 816-810-2346 Spectrum’s expertise has propelled us to become the largest provider of weather and event cancellation insurance in the USA.

7400 W. 132 ND ST., SUITE 260, OVERLAND PARK, KS 66213, 913-253-1210 Vortex Insurance offers weather insurance policies to mitigate the financial risk adverse weather presents in business.


500 NORTH ESTRELLA PARKWAY, GOODYEAR, AX 85338 304-481-2464 - E-Mail: Firethorn Marketing offers develops incredibly easy to manage and fully responsive websites.

PO BOX 81666, LINCOLN, NE 68501 402-302-2464 MyRacePass is a leader in the software development in motorsports specializing in a Race Management System, Website Development, Online Ticket Sales and Apparel Design.

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